Train HArd. PLay Harder.



At Hoopshouse, we’re committed to helping athletes of all ages and abilities unlock their full potential. That’s why we’ve partnered with SportSpeed, a leader in performance training, to bring you cutting-edge programs designed to improve speed, agility, endurance, strength, reaction time, and power.

SportSpeed’s mission goes beyond athletic performance—they’re dedicated to fostering strong, healthy, and happy lives. With training programs tailored for youth through to masters athletes, SportSpeed’s methods focus on the unique athleticism required for your sport.

Through comprehensive program selection, IQ testing protocols, and personalised performance profiles, SportSpeed offers tools to help you achieve your best. Their advanced assessments, SWOT analysis, one-on-one coaching, combines, and interactive resources make every training session dynamic, results-driven, and engaging.

Together with Hoopshouse, SportSpeed is here to help you perform at your peak—on and off the court. It’s not just training; it’s transformation.